90 Designs, 51 Artists, 1 Video
In conjunction with the Malaysia 5th Annual Coca-Cola Collectors Fair, we were once again given the opportunity to collaborate with MCCC to produce a promo video for the event that is happening on the 9th of May 2015.
2015 is the 100th anniversary of the Coca-Cola contour bottle, so we used the contour bottle as our theme for the promo video. We also wanted to show the vast Malaysian art field, and decided to have a ‘Call for Artists’ inviting any interested Malaysian artists to collaborate with us. Fortunately, the response that we got was more than what we’d expected, and in the end we had 51 artists joining us on this project.
Each artists were given freedom on creating their artwork. The only rule: the contour bottle has to be distinguishable and placed at the center of the screen. And oh, no political & religious issues
And below was one of the illustration that I contribute along with some simple step :)

Sketch on a A3 size paper

Add-on more characters and actions into the drawing on both side!

Refine with red color line...

..and fill in the blanks!

Finally, do some simple color adjustment and CHUP coca cola!